23 November 2006

23 November 2006

Changes on the building front! We have a deck! And today the gas hot water is being done and also the roof which is fantastic!

13 November 2006

Lettuce and Nutella

Silly Doggies!!! Daniel left a jar of nutella (without the lid) on the bench overnight. And I left a lettuce, one of those fancy frilly ones. Well, at about 1am, I heard the sound of teeth against glass so I got up to investigate. I found BeeGee with his nose jammed as deep as he could into the jar, savouring every last lick. Not only that, there was shredded lettuce all over the lounge. And it wasnt just BeeGee, I know for a fact that Maddison is the one that likes lettuce and she also had a nutella scented snout!

10 November 2006

10 November 2006

Big news, the wall are up! That was so exciting, and the dogs are fascinated all over again. Well, I have a couple of poochie stories today. The first being a 'pooh' story. We had just finished eating dinner, usually the dogs hang around for the duration, but it didnt strike me as being strange for some reason that they werent there. BIG MISTAKE!!! They both cam roaring inside, Maddison with a squishy turd hanging off her very hairy cheek, and BeeGee had also very obviously been rolling in it. Quick as a flash I scooped them up called for towels and raced them into the bathroom, where i proceeded to 'depooh' them. After a towel dry and a blow dry they were smelling and looking sweet as ever On to the second horror story, Daniel left the margarine on the bench yesterday, WITHOUT THE LID!!! It should be fairly obvious by nown that this poses to much temptation for Maddison to handle. When I came home the marg had been licked down to a smooth surface. No residue of marg on BeeGee's chin, plenty on Maddison though. In addition, she left me a deposit....on my bed....undigested breakfast with a delicate sauce of marg and tummy juices. How delightful. Anyway, here's the pics.

08 November 2006

8 November 2006

Nothing exciting overnight. The builders turned up in the rain this morning, so there should be movement when I get home this afternoon. Its funny, I am so used to my pooches antics, I got up in the middle of the night because I could hear Maddison snuffling around with the cat in the kitchen. When I flicked on the light, there she was in all her glory, standing on the kitchen bench, caught in the act. She spat out a mouthful of potato peels (all over the clean but yet to be folded washing) and wagged her tail with delight (she's always delighted because the tail is always wagging).

07 November 2006

7 November 2006

Nothing new to report on the house front, except that its been wet here and the dogs are dragging copious amounts of wet sand through the house, and digging hole nose deep in the contruction site. Dirty noses and paws abound! Its been over a week since the dogs slept in the bed with me. but last night they tried really hard to convince me of their rightful place...at 1.30am. Needless to say I'm a little tired this morning.

03 November 2006

3 November 2006

Its a new month and the new roof trusses have gone up. No pictures yet, until I get new batteries for the camera. Dogs are happy (whats not to be happy about when your a Bichon). They have now survived six nights without snuggling into bed with me. There has been a fair bit of grumbling, but the complaints are getting shorter each night. Hopefully the habit will be broken soon.