31 October 2006

31 October 2006

Once again it is Maddison who is the trouble maker. She managed to get hold of a large chunk of rump steak we were intending to have for dinner. We were bringing in groceries from the car and caught Maddison and the cat in an excited tug of war. What a laugh. I am now on my fourth night of no bichons in the bed. They snuggle in after I fall asleep. So I am teaching them that its not ok, so obviously my pillows are the next best thing. Oh well, one thing at a time.

30 October 2006

30 October 2006

Maddison was naughty on the weekend. She escaped!!! Its the funniest sight, this tiny little white fluffy dog, motoring at top speed down the road. I have learnt to stop panicking at this sight, as its impossible to catch them. Ignoring is the best policy but so hard to do. So I left the gate open a little and walked away (whilst still keeping the corner of an eye on the road). After she had checked out the house across the road, she ran up the street, checked out another neighbours house, ran down the road, realised no-one was paying her attention and came home. WHEW! What a little ratbag she is.

27 October 2006

26 October 2006

More changes to our building project. We arrived home yesterday after work and discovered a floor and framework, awesome, exciting, exhilirating. The pooches are so fascinated. Maddison ran round on the floor, checking out all the new smells, and then barked incessantly at the the new sights.

25 October 2006

25 October 2006

After such crappy weather yesterday, the sun is shining today. The pooches will be happy again. They were so miserable yesterday, that they decided to let me know by doing wee's on my bed. They are so cute !!! (not)

24 October 2006

The Long Weekend

Had my soldier daughter home for the weekend from her training. It was so good to see her and the bichons were so excited. Beegee does this thing with his lips (do dogs have lips) that makes him look like he's snarling, but actually he's talking. He's telling you how happy he is to see you and forgoodness sake pick him up quickly because he needs a cuddle. He saves it for the people he loves the best.

20 October 2006

Love My Bichons

Preparation for the new extension on my home has begun. Pile holes dug (Maddison fell in three separate holes) and patio removed. See pics, bichons inclusive, and also Buddy, the Border Collie.

19 October 2006

My Bichons

Thats Maddison on the left and Beegee on the right. Aint they the cutest?